What is the possibility of VR/AR Games after Pokemon Go ?

Since the release of Pokémon GO in 2016, there has been a resurgence in the popularity of location-based augmented reality (AR) games. While virtual reality (VR) games have been around for longer, AR games have only recently become possible with advances in technology. AR games use real-world locations as the setting for the game, and players can see and interact with virtual objects in the real world using their smartphone or another device. VR games, on the other hand, take place entirely in a virtual world.


Introduction: What is VR/AR game development?


AR gaming in the real world Pokémon GO is a prime example of AR gaming. The game has players catching Pokemon in the real world, by pointing their smartphones at locations where Pokemon can be found. AR technology enables the Pokemon to appear on top of real-world locations, such as a park bench or street corner. AR games are not limited to just catching Pokemon. The Pokémon Company has already released Pokemon-related games that focus on catching Pokemon and training them. In the future, we could see games where players can engage in battles with the Pokemon they have caught. The technology that enables people to enjoy a new type of game experience is AR technology.



The process of VR/AR game development


The process is very similar to AR development. The difference is that the environment in which the game is displayed is only virtual, and does not correspond to any real-world environment. Thus, VR games require players to wear a VR headset and headphones in order to experience the game. If a player becomes too immersed in the game, they may bump into a wall or fall down, so it is important to consider how to let players enjoy the VR experience while staying aware of their physical surroundings.


The main development process is as follows: Designing a game environment and the appearance of characters. In VR, one can create an environment in which players can interact with objects such as weapons and tools to achieve their goals. 3D modeling is used to create the environment and characters, and texture mapping is used to add textures. As textures are made up of many small images, it is difficult for the device to handle them in real-time.


The benefits of VR/AR game development are as follows:


VR is relatively easy to develop compared to AR. The game environment can be designed with a focus on immersiveness, and the player does not need to wear special equipment such as a head-mounted display (HMD) or hand-held device. The development of VR games is more difficult than that of non-VR games, due to the need for complex interaction with new 3D environments. It is difficult to develop VR games using conventional methods.


The main difference between AR and VR is that VR has a completely virtual environment, while AR has a virtual environment overlaid on the real world. In both cases, the user can interact with the virtual objects in real-time.


The challenges of VR/AR game development:


The challenges include creating a virtual world that is realistic and interesting, developing interaction techniques with complex 3D environments, and providing an intuitive control interface. There are many methods for developing VR games, such as the following:

- Using a 3D game engine.

- Programming in a 3D graphics programming language, such as OpenGL or DirectX.

- Using a VR authoring tool.

- Creating a game using 3D tools, such as Maya and 3D Studio MAX. The first two methods are usually used for creating games that need to be fast and have high-quality graphics.


The future of VR/AR game development


The future of VR/AR game development is in the third method. VR applications often use advanced graphical techniques, such as fast graphics rendering, high-resolution 3D graphics, and real-time dynamic lighting. Games created with these techniques are often fast and have high-quality graphics.


Development of 3D applications can be done in several ways:

- Programming in a 3D graphics programming language, such as OpenGL or DirectX.

- Using an application framework, such as Unity or Unreal Engine, which offers easy access to 3D graphics and other features.

- Programming in a general-purpose programming language like C or Java.

- Using a game engine that is highly optimized for real-time rendering.


There are many virtual reality devices available for creating AR or VR applications.



VR is a technology that has great potential to make people's lives easier, but we'll have to wait and see how it will be used in the future. Wondering how you can tap the growing market of VR (Virtual Reality) / AR (Augmented Reality) games? You need to know how to make such games. We at Why Knot Game Studio have adequate experience in executing complex projects, and we can guide you through every single step of the process. 
